Peda needs no introduction when it comes to popular sweets of India, served during festivals mostly and otherwise as well and loved by all. We all in the family are so fond of this sweet. In Assam there is a place called Bokhakhat which is actually famous for their awesome melt in mouth pedas. People buy kilos and kilos of pedas whenever they visit that place. I miss them so much here and never tasted any peda like the ones of Bokakhat. You ask any one from Assam about this place and you will get to know how famous their pedas are !
Pedas are made from milk by cooking it till it thickens. But I wanted a recipe which is easy and less time taking. So when I saw one of my friend in US preparing this sweet during Diwali and posted few pictures , I asked her to share the recipe. She then sent me this link for this easy microwave pedas of Show me the curry Tried and tested this in my kitchen and a sure shot hit recipe it is. Though only variation I did is the measurement as per my number of servings. You can follow the exact measurements as given in the original recipe.
Dry Milk Powder: 1 cup
Sweetend condensed milk:1/2 cup
Butter: 50 gms
Cardamom powder: 1 tsp
Chopped Pistachios: for garnishing
In a microwave safe dish melt the butter and keep aside. Add the milk powder, condensed milk and mix well with the help of a spoon. Now cook this mixture in the microwave for 3 minutes (for beginners for a better understanding microwave for 3 minutes means you have to cook the mixture in microwave mode ). Stir the mixture after every one minute by putting the microwave off , taking out the dish, stir and putting it back in the microwave and cook. again
After cooking for 3 minutes, take this out and mix it once again and keep aside to cool down enough so that you can mix with you hands. Once the mixture is cooled down, sprinkle the cardamom powder and mix with your hands nicely. Now divide this mixture into small equal sized portions and make balls and flatten the balls in the center by pressing gently with your finger and arrange them on a dish. Garnish with chopped pistachios in the centre of the pedas as shown in the pictures. Keep them aside to set and cool down. Serve them , enjoy them whenever you get the craving for these delicious sweets ..
You can also give different shapes to this sweet by rolling out the mixture and cut with different cookie cutters and also by serving in beautiful decorative cup cake liners.
Good work. Nice. Unique Birthday Cakes for Sister